Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jimmy V Speech

The things that I take away from Mr. Shoemaker's course is that knowledge is applied. Memorizing and testing will only take you so far, and in the real world, that is not how we succeed. The things that I took away from the speech was Jimmy's three things to do every day: laugh, think, and cry. I do do those everyday! It makes me happy! Also, both Jimmy and Mr. Shoemaker preach that we need to do whatever we do with enthusiasm, and I believe in that as well. I appreciate how sincere Shoe was in his soapbox about using the opportunities given to us every day. DON'T BE A COUCH PERSON! That was my biggest take away from today's class. I try to stay optimistic and most people that know me will agree with me =) Everything is so much easier if you just look at it with a light. You must believe in yourself. You will have NOTHING if you don't believe in yourself. Also, I like that Jimmy reminded me that EVERY SINGLE DAY is precious-- enjoy it!!!! You NEVER KNOW what could happen. Where are you, where you wanna be, and how you get there: that is what I am going to focus on from the speech & class. 
Thanks, Shoe. (.. i love you!!! I do, I do!!!) 

1 comment:

Jim said...


Thanks for your sincere reflection and I am glad you take the most important things in life to heart. Best wishes for the future and class won't be the same without your presence.