Monday, October 20, 2008

Palin Sitting Pretty

This is not the most recent of Dick Polman's blogs, but I found this one more comprehensible. It basically talks about how whether McCain wins or looses, it does not matter for Palin. If McCain wins, she is VP of the U.S., and if he looses, she is "heroine of the conservative base". I was annoyed with this blog because the bias was getting ridiculous. At first he just talked about how she hasn't been out in public lately because of Saturday Night Live and what not, but then through out the blog he says things that scream I'm DEMOCRATIC. For example, "she gets to be vice president of the United States, thereby demonstrating that anything is possible in our dumbed-down culture". It is not necesary for him to make comments like that. To be quite honest, I do not really care about his opinion. I would like facts. Let me make my own opinion, but this is a blog so it is understandable. In the beginning of the article, Polman talks about the places that she chooses to speak to. It explains that they have to be McCain friendly and she keeps choosing, "red" states, but then he continues into saying, "leads me to wonder which areas she deems to be traitorous." Maybe I am looking at it with a bias perspective, so it seems bias. I am not even sure at this point.


Dan Cook said...

I don't know if you are going to like me for this Jess but I somewhat agree with the author of this blog. I believe it is going to be a win win situation for Sara Palin solely because of her sex. If she loses then she was still one of the first women to be in such a position. If she wins then she is the first female president. I also agree with your opinion though. He does not show any facts he bases his opinion on his own believes with no solid facts behind him.

P.S congrats on spelling her name right hahaha

Jim said...

Remember to add some visual spice to your posts