Friday, October 3, 2008

October 2, 2008 Debate & Political Blog

On behalf of last night's debate, I would just like to say that I thought it was very amusing to watching each VP canidate's face as the other spoke; you could tell they each wanted to either one, laugh, or two, respond immediately to their oponent's statement. Also it was funny to hear their tones when they responded. You could hear the anger, or sarcasm, or deciet. I honestly found that Pelin was trying to say all of the right things, but was not saying much at all. Meaning she would say for example, we strongly believe in democracy and fighting terror, but not how they were going to do it. I can not say that I liked Biden (sp?), or that I believed everything that he was saying, but he did spit a lot of facts which I appreciated. I think that facts are easier to the public to chew and digest. The only issue with that is that at some points the canidates would disagree, and propose contradicting facts. For example, Pelin used that Obama said that he wanted to sit down with the leaders of these terrorist countries against him, but then Biden came in and said that Obama never said that. Unless I heard the words come straight out of Obama's mouth, how would I know which fact is true? I wouldn't, and that is why it is impossible to say who won the debate. If i absolutely had to pick, I would say Biden because his arguments were easier to "digest". I think one of his strongest points was when he said that he loved McCaine, but so far in this campaign he has NOT seen anything from McCaine's policies that differ from George Bush's. I really do not know if that is true, but I can say that the public probably really appreciate that comment, and perhaps it gave points to Obama. It is hard to judge either of these canidates if I myself do not know all of the background information and facts. I feel as though I do not have a place to comment on any of the other specific facts.

In my political blog, he adresses Dick Polman's analysis of the debate. Although he was bias, and clearly attacked Pelin, I agreed with some of his points. For example he put a quote from the debate that I don't particularly remember, but would believe, "...go to a kid's soccer game...I betcha....darn right it was the predatory lenders...Joe six moms across the nation...a heckuva lot...darn right we need tax doggone it...". I remember with in ten minutes of watching the debate, I asked myself why was she speaking like that? Also he brings up that Pelin avoids answering the question alot, and that the moderator, Gwen Ifill, did not make her answer it. At one point, Pelin said she just wasn't going to answer it, and i thought to myself.. can she do that? Polman brought up the sex issue. I refuse to adress this issue because it makes me angry. If you read the debate, and had no clue which was a man or which was a woman, many people would change their opinion on it, and i do not agree with that. it upsets me really to even adress this issue, we are in 2008, let's get over it, people. Polman does mention that Pelin had a perky delivery and I truly believe that that helped her because I for one can say that i did not like Biden's delivery and therefor didn't like him or want to hear anything he had to say. I know that is not the way that I should look at it, but its true. If you have no likability it is hard to want to hear what you have to say or to believe you even after we do hear it. Polman says that it is clear that Biden won, and after reading his blog, I can say that I might agree with that. I don't really like either of them very much, but I perfer Pelin. She is a stronger presenter and therefor easier to like, and she seems more like a mom than a politician which is a nice quality to have.

1 comment:

Dan Cook said...

I found it interesting to read your opinion on the VP debate. I had a lot of the same feelings you did while watching. I would like to point out that her named is spelled Palin, not Pelin but i understood what you were talking about. Next time just make sure to prove read to avoid such mistakes. Great job though.